"Legends of the Wailuku" by Charlotte Hapai is a collection of traditional Hawaiian legends written in the early 20th century. The book delves into the mythology surrounding the Wailuku River and its significance in Hawaiian culture, featuring deities and demi-gods like Hina and Maui. It offers a deep dive into the stories that have shaped the understanding of the region's historical geography and cultural identity. The content of the book presents a tapestry of tales, each rich in symbolism and context. Readers will encounter the fierce demi-god Maui who, through cleverness and bravery, combats threats like the dragon Kuna to protect his mother, Hina. Other stories recount Maui's adventures with fire, his creation of the Hawaiian Islands, and the establishment of vital laws by King Kamehameha. As Hapai weaves these narratives, she emphasizes the profound connections between the land, its legends, and Hawaiian identity, creating an engaging read for those interested in mythology, culture, and the natural world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Legends of the Wailuku
By Charlotte Hapai
"Legends of the Wailuku" by Charlotte Hapai is a collection of traditional Hawaiian legends written in the early 20th century. The book delves into th...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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