"Jenny: A Novel" by Sigrid Undset is a fiction work written in the early 20th century. The novel introduces the character of Helge Gram, a Norwegian artist who finds himself exploring Rome, navigating the vibrant city and its history, while reflecting on his own feelings of loneliness and aspiration. The story appears to revolve around themes of love, self-discovery, and the artistic journey set against the backdrop of the eternal city. The opening of the novel presents Helge as he revels in the beauty of Rome while grappling with his solitude and yearning for connection. He immerses himself in the enchanting sights, sounds, and history of the city, while recalling his disappointment in finding it not quite as he imagined. Helge encounters two young Norwegian women, Jenny Winge and Francesca Jahrman, sparking his desire for engagement in this foreign land. As he interacts with them, he navigates budding friendships and the complexities of youthful romance, laying the groundwork for the emotional and transformative journey that lies ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jenny: A Novel
By Sigrid Undset
"Jenny: A Novel" by Sigrid Undset is a fiction work written in the early 20th century. The novel introduces the character of Helge Gram, a Norwegian a...
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About the Author
Sigrid Undset was a Danish-born Norwegian novelist. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928.
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