"The Man Inside" by Natalie Sumner Lincoln is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Panama and Washington, D.C., exploring themes of mystery and intrigue surrounding a senator's death. The narrative follows various characters, including a mysterious stranger in Colon and Senator James Carew, as they become entangled in a plot filled with political tension and personal secrets. The opening of the novel introduces a stranger in Colon, who observes the evening scene in a dimly lit bar while reflecting on his troubled past. His attention is piqued by a conversation between two men discussing political unrest in Panama and a looming conspiracy against U.S. interests. As the stranger grapples with his identity and memories, the narrative shifts to Senator Carew's family and the events leading to his tragic death. The tension escalates as the senator is found dead in a carriage after attending a ball, raising questions about murder or suicide amidst the chaotic backdrop of political struggles. The initial chapters set the stage for a complex web of relationships and betrayals that promise to unravel as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Man Inside
By Natalie Sumner Lincoln
"The Man Inside" by Natalie Sumner Lincoln is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Panama and Washingt...
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About the Author
Natalie Sumner Lincoln was an American novelist who wrote mystery and crime novels mostly set in her native Washington, D.C.
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