"Another Man's Shoes" by Victor Bridges is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Jack Burton, a resourceful man with a past full of adventure, who finds himself in London after a stint in Bolivia where he discovered gold. As he grapples with his finances and the difficulty of obtaining backing for a mining venture, he encounters Stuart Northcote, a wealthy man who proposes an audacious and dangerous plan that could change both their lives. At the start of the narrative, Jack faces a precarious financial situation and encounters his old friend Billy Logan, who shares stories of their adventurous past. However, the encounter takes a shocking turn when Jack meets Stuart Northcote, who reveals a striking resemblance between them. With a life-threatening situation looming over Northcote, he offers Jack a staggering sum of money to assume his identity for three weeks, leading Jack into a world of wealth and danger. The opening chapters set the stage for a thrilling tale of deception and intrigue as Jack navigates his new life amid potential assassins and hidden threats. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Another Man's Shoes
By Victor Bridges
"Another Man's Shoes" by Victor Bridges is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Jack Burton, a resourceful man...
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About the Author
Victor Bridges was a prolific English author of detective and fantasy fiction, and also a playwright and occasional poet.
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