"Greensea Island: A Mystery of the Essex Coast" by Victor Bridges is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows John Dryden, the second officer of the "Neptune", as he interacts with intriguing characters aboard the ship and wades into unexpected adventures, including a confrontation with shady boatmen and a burgeoning romantic interest in the beautiful Miss de Roda. As the tale unfolds, it hints at deeper mysteries involving Dryden's newly inherited island, Greensea, and the ominous past of his uncle. At the start of the book, we are introduced to John Dryden, who eagerly anticipates his time on shore in Portugal. He engages in banter with Ross, the ship's doctor, before disembarking. As he explores Oporto, his thoughts revolve around Miss de Roda, a captivating passenger aboard his ship, and her ill uncle, Señor de Roda. Their interactions move swiftly from casual exchanges to more intriguing moments, particularly when Dryden learns about his inheritance of Greensea Island following the mysterious death of his uncle. The opening culminates with an unexpected attack in the docks that propels Dryden into a perilous situation, setting the stage for the unfolding mysteries that intertwine his life, his relationships, and the dark secrets of Greensea Island. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Greensea Island: A Mystery of the Essex Coast
By Victor Bridges
"Greensea Island: A Mystery of the Essex Coast" by Victor Bridges is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows John Dryden, the sec...
Victor Bridges was a prolific English author of detective and fantasy fiction, and also a playwright and occasional poet.
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