"Flowers and their Friends" by Margaret Warner Morley is a scientific publication written in the late 19th century. The work primarily explores the intricate relationships between flowers and their insect companions, particularly focusing on how these partnerships facilitate pollination and plant reproduction. Morley uses vivid descriptions and child-friendly language to make these botanical concepts accessible for young readers. The opening of the book sets a playful yet educational tone, addressing children directly and encouraging them to learn about the meanings of unfamiliar words related to flowers and insects. Morley introduces the morning-glory and its wild cousin, the bindweed, highlighting their similarities and inviting readers to observe their beauty and importance. The text details the interactions between the flowers and bees, explaining how these relationships work to benefit the plants in producing seeds through the process of pollination. Overall, the introduction emphasizes curiosity and discovery, establishing a foundation for exploring the biological principles that underpin the fascinating lives of flowers and their allies. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Flowers and their friends
By Margaret Warner Morley
"Flowers and their Friends" by Margaret Warner Morley is a scientific publication written in the late 19th century. The work primarily explores the in...
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About the Author
Margaret Warner Morley was an American educator, biologist, and author of many children's books on nature and biology.
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