"Dr. Adriaan" by Louis Couperus is a fictional novel likely written in the early 20th century. It is part of a larger work known as "The Books of the Small Souls" and continues the exploration of familiar characters from earlier volumes. The narrative revolves around Dr. Adriaan, his familial relationships, and the emotional intricacies tied to his profession and his life at home, particularly focusing on the tensions within the family and the struggles faced by the main characters. The beginning of "Dr. Adriaan" paints a vivid and somber setting, marked by stormy weather that reflects the emotional turmoil of the characters. We are introduced to Constance and her niece Adeletje, who are making their way to visit an old lady. Their conversation reveals underlying concerns about family dynamics and a preoccupation with the presence of a character named Addie, who is pivotal in their lives. The scene is rich in atmosphere, exploring themes of home, belonging, and the pressing weight of past grievances that linger within the walls of their gloomy family home. Constance’s reflections on her memories and her feelings of being an intruder in her own home set the stage for deeper explorations of familial loyalty and emotional strife as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dr. Adriaan
By Louis Couperus
The Books of the Small Souls, Vol. 4
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About the Author
Louis Marie-Anne Couperus was a Dutch novelist and poet. His oeuvre contains a wide variety of genres: lyric poetry, psychological and historical novels, novellas, short stories, fairy tales, feuilletons and sketches. Couperus is considered to be one of the foremost figures in Dutch literature. In 1923, he was awarded the Tollensprijs.
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