"The Inevitable" by Louis Couperus is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a boarding house in Rome, focusing on the life of Cornélie de Retz van Loo, a young Dutch woman recovering from a recent divorce. As she navigates her new reality, the novel explores themes like loneliness, societal expectations, and the search for identity in a foreign city. The opening of the novel introduces the Marchesa Belloni's boarding house, where Cornélie arrives, filled with a mix of excitement and an undercurrent of foreboding. She is greeted by various characters, including the friendly porter and the boisterous marchesa, each representing different facets of life in the pension. While Cornélie attempts to settle into her new environment, she grapples with feelings of displacement and anticipates the arrival of new experiences. The foundation is laid for her introspective journey as she begins to confront not just the loneliness of travel but also the complexities of her past and the uncertain future that lies ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Inevitable
By Louis Couperus
"The Inevitable" by Louis Couperus is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a boarding house in Rome, focusing on the life of...
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About the Author
Louis Marie-Anne Couperus was a Dutch novelist and poet. His oeuvre contains a wide variety of genres: lyric poetry, psychological and historical novels, novellas, short stories, fairy tales, feuilletons and sketches. Couperus is considered to be one of the foremost figures in Dutch literature. In 1923, he was awarded the Tollensprijs.
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