"The Summer Holidays: A Story for Children" by Amerel is a children's book written in the early 19th century. This delightful story follows a young boy named Samuel Reed as he travels to his Uncle Harvey's country home to spend his summer holidays with his two cousins, Thomas and John. Throughout the book, the children embark on various adventures, exploring nature, learning about rural life, and engaging with the local community. The narrative unfolds over several chapters, detailing the experiences Samuel shares with his cousins. They enjoy walks through the fields and woods, visiting a sick old man named Daddy Hall, encountering wildlife, and learning valuable lessons about kindness and responsibility. From exciting moments such as hunting for a hawk and helping a poor family, to whimsical observations about nature and the unique animals they encounter, each chapter captures the joys and discoveries of childhood during the summer. As the story progresses, it emphasizes themes of friendship, family, and respect for nature, culminating in a bittersweet farewell as Samuel returns to the city, enriched by his experiences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The summer holidays : $b a story for children
By Amerel
"The Summer Holidays: A Story for Children" by Amerel is a children's book written in the early 19th century. This delightful story follows a young bo...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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