"The Hunchback of Westminster" by William Le Queux is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows private detective Hugh Glynn, who embarks on a thrilling and treacherous investigation involving mysterious manuscripts from a deceased Spanish priest. The story intricately weaves themes of intrigue, betrayal, and the quest for hidden treasures, ultimately shaping a complex plot revolving around the enigmatic character Don Jose Casteno. At the start of the novel, Glynn recounts his monotonous career as a private investigator until the arrival of Don Jose Casteno, who presents him with an urgent and dangerous mission concerning a treasure valued at millions. This encounter occurs amidst a tempestuous night in London, which sets a foreboding tone for the unfolding drama. Casteno persuades Glynn to bid for a set of manuscripts at an auction that hold significant importance, hinting at betrayal and foreign intrigue. As the plot thickens, we see a web of deception involving familiar figures, a kidnapping, and the unsettling realization that darker forces are at play in the quest for these precious documents. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Hunchback of Westminster
By William Le Queux
"The Hunchback of Westminster" by William Le Queux is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows private detective Hugh ...
William Tufnell Le Queux was an Anglo-French journalist and writer. He was also a diplomat, a traveller, a flying buff who officiated at the first British air meeting at Doncaster in 1909, and a wireless pioneer who broadcast music from his own station long before radio was generally available; his claims regarding his own abilities and exploits, however, were usually exaggerated. His best-known works are the anti-French and anti-Russian invasion fantasy The Great War in England in 1897 (1894) and the anti-German invasion fantasy The Invasion of 1910 (1906), the latter becoming a bestseller.