"Lilith" by Ada Langworthy Collier is a poetic narrative written in the late 19th century. The work delves into the legend of Lilith, portrayed as Adam's first wife according to various Rabbinic traditions, exploring themes of love, power, and yearning. The book centers around Lilith, who seeks autonomy and struggles against her subservient role when vying for Adam’s affections and place within Paradise. The opening of "Lilith" introduces readers to a stunningly depicted Eden where Lilith stands in discontent beside Adam, who fails to acknowledge her. As they engage in a dialogue about love and identity, Lilith expresses her desire for equality and rejects the idea of being subservient. After feeling increasingly isolated, Lilith resolves to leave Eden to seek her own path, confronted by a guardian angel who warns her against leaving. This initial portion sets up Lilith’s journey of self-discovery and foreshadows her bittersweet quest for fulfillment outside the confines of Paradise. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lilith The Legend of the First Woman
By Ada Langworthy Collier
"Lilith" by Ada Langworthy Collier is a poetic narrative written in the late 19th century. The work delves into the legend of Lilith, portrayed as Ada...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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