"Sube Cane" by Edward Bellamy Partridge is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around a clever and imaginative twelve-year-old boy named Sube Cane who dreams of adopting a more mature appearance by growing a mustache. His youthful misadventures intertwine with his determination to solve the mystery of a foundling baby, which leads him into humorous and chaotic situations as he deals with the challenges of growing up and the judgment of his peers. At the start of the novel, Sube fantasizes about the manhood that comes with a mustache, leading him to experiment with a potent hair restorer in an attempt to accelerate his transformation. This scheme quickly spirals into a series of whimsical escapades when he enlists his friend Gizzard Tobin’s help, which includes shadowing an unsuspecting neighbor believed to be the mother of the foundling baby. The opening chapters showcase Sube's naivety and determination to navigate the complexities of childhood, family dynamics, and friendship as he juggles his desires to both impress the girl he likes and figure out the mysteries that surround him. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sube Cane
By Bellamy Partridge
"Sube Cane" by Edward Bellamy Partridge is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around a clever and imaginative twelve-year-old...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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