"Lady Jane" by C. V. Jamison is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against a backdrop of Southern landscapes and rich characterizations, the story begins with the delicate and heartwarming journey of a young girl named Lady Jane and her ailing mother traveling to New Orleans. The narrative explores themes of loss, survival, and innocence as they navigate a world filled with both benevolence and hidden peril. The opening of the book depicts a vivid scene aboard a train as Lady Jane and her mother make their way through the beautiful Teche country. While the mother is physically weakened by illness and emotional sorrow, Lady Jane’s curiosity and innocence shine through as she bonds with a boy traveling on the train who offers her a blue heron named Tony. This chance encounter leads them to a series of events in New Orleans, where secretive and contrasting characters will intertwine their lives. The gentle depiction of Lady Jane’s child-like wonder and strong attachment to her mother sets a poignant tone for their unfolding story, hinting at the hardships and trials they will face in the unfamiliar city. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lady Jane
By C. V. (Cecilia Viets) Jamison
"Lady Jane" by C. V. Jamison is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against a backdrop of Southern landscapes and rich characterizations, t...
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About the Author
Cecilia Viets Jamison was a British North America-born American writer.
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