"Scott Burton on the Range" by Edward G. Cheyney is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young man named Scott Burton as he embarks on his new job as a patrolman with the Forest Service in a largely unfamiliar western landscape. In this tale, Scott's experiences bring to light the challenges he faces with local ranchers, especially concerning sheep-grazing rights, as well as his journey of adaptation to the rough and rugged wilderness that contrasts sharply with his upbringing in Massachusetts. The opening of the novel introduces Scott Burton as he travels by train to his new post. His excitement for the wild, pristine beauty of the West is palpable, in sharp contrast to the indifference of seasoned travelers around him. After arriving at a small, dusty town that makes him feel out of place, Scott has an uncomfortable encounter with the local community, marked by skepticism and prejudice against outsiders, particularly Easterners. As he prepares for his work, he learns from his supervisor about the challenges of the business — mainly, the local sheepmen who have a reputation for intimidating or corrupting patrolmen. Soon after he acquires an impressive yet untamed horse named Jed, Scott’s determination and initial naïveté set him on a path for conflict and growth in a new and often hostile environment. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Scott Burton on the Range
By Edward G. (Edward Gheen) Cheyney
"Scott Burton on the Range" by Edward G. Cheyney is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young man named Scott Burton as he ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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