"The Cartels Jungle" by Irving E. Cox, Jr. is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. This gripping narrative is set in a dystopian future characterized by the power struggles among various cartels that dominate human society, highlighting the themes of control, ambition, and the consequences of technological advancements in psychiatry. The story explores the dark side of human nature as these cartels vie for power, leading its characters into morally ambiguous territories. The plot follows Captain Max Hunter, who returns to Earth after leaving the space service, eager to marry his long-time love, Ann Saymer, who has invented a groundbreaking psychiatric device called the Exorciser. As Hunter discovers that Ann has gone missing amid cartel intrigues, he becomes embroiled in a web of deceit involving the cartels and the Union of Free Workers. His quest for Ann reveals a sinister plan to manipulate society using her invention for domination, leading to a confrontation that challenges Hunter's values and beliefs. The story culminates in a powerful examination of free will, ambition, and the struggle for control over one's life and the lives of others in a morally decaying world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Cartels Jungle
By Irving E. Cox
"The Cartels Jungle" by Irving E. Cox, Jr. is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. This gripping narrative is set in a dystopian f...
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