"Stories of the Border Marches" by John Lang and Jean Lang is a historical collection of tales drawn from the folklore of the English-Scottish border, likely written in the early 20th century. The work delves into various legends and stories tied to the tumultuous history of the borderlands, spotlighting characters such as supernatural figures and infamous outlaws. The narratives blend reality and myth, exploring themes of bravery, drama, and the supernatural amidst a backdrop of war-torn landscapes. The opening of the collection begins with a preface that reflects on the charm of these old stories, lamenting their overshadowing by modernity. The first tale, "The White Lady of Blenkinsopp," introduces readers to a haunting legend of a woman who brought treasure with her to an ancient castle but suffered a tragic love story, leading to her disappearance and the folklore that followed. The tale intertwines elements of intrigue and the supernatural as it unfolds the history of the castle, the violent lives of its past inhabitants, and the spectral figure that haunts it. This captivating blend of history and myth immediately immerses readers in the rich tapestry of border lore that characterizes the collection. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Stories of the Border Marches
By John Lang
"Stories of the Border Marches" by John Lang and Jean Lang is a historical collection of tales drawn from the folklore of the English-Scottish border,...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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