"The King's Ring" by Zacharias Topelius is a historical romance written in the late 19th century. The narrative transports readers to the tumultuous backdrop of the Thirty Years' War, focusing on the character of Gustaf Bertila, a young peasant who rises to become a soldier serving under the esteemed King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden. The story intertwines themes of heroism, loyalty, and the struggle between personal aspiration and duty amid the chaos of war. The opening of the novel introduces the surgeon Bäck, who serves as a humorous and reflective narrator sharing his life experiences intertwined with significant historical events. It vividly depicts his journey from humble beginnings to participating in pivotal battles, culminating in a dramatic moment where Bäck grapples with the consequences of his births and connections amidst political intrigue. It sets the stage for a blend of action and character development, immersing the reader in both personal and collective histories as they navigate a world fraught with the realities of conflict and the complexity of human desires. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The King's Ring Being a Romance of the Days of Gustavus Adolphus and the Thirty Years' War
By Zacharias Topelius
"The King's Ring" by Zacharias Topelius is a historical romance written in the late 19th century. The narrative transports readers to the tumultuous b...
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About the Author
Zacharias Topelius was a Finnish author, poet, journalist, historian, and rector of the University of Helsinki who wrote novels related to Finnish history. He wrote his works exclusively in Swedish, although they were translated early on into Finnish.
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