"Navy Boys Behind the Big Guns, or Sinking the German U-Boats" by Halsey Davidson is a historical adventure novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a group of young Navy apprentices, Philip Morgan and his friends, as they navigate life and challenges in the Navy during World War I, focusing on their experiences with German U-boats. As they undertake missions and adventures, the themes of patriotism, bravery, and camaraderie among young sailors are prominent. The opening of the book introduces us to Philip Morgan and Alfred Torrance as they prepare to visit Elmvale. They are excited about their furlough from the Navy and eager to reconnect with friends and share their naval experiences. As they come across familiar faces, their conversations hint at further adventures and potential dangers, including the ongoing threat of German U-boats. Philip, however, becomes suspicious of a stranger, Blake, whom they see near the Elmvale Dam. This encounter triggers Philip's instinct to investigate further, setting the stage for action-packed drama as they uncover a possible threat linked to the dam and the mysterious activities of individuals in their town. Their dynamic and interactions lay the groundwork for both character development and the unfolding plot, indicating that this tale will involve key elements of friendship, loyalty, and the looming perils of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Navy boys behind the big guns : $b or, Sinking the German U-boats
By Halsey Davidson
"Navy Boys Behind the Big Guns, or Sinking the German U-Boats" by Halsey Davidson is a historical adventure novel likely written in the early 20th cen...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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