"London at Night: A sketch-book" by Frederick Carter is a collection of illustrations and drawings created in the early 20th century. This artistic publication captures the enchanting and atmospheric views of London after dark, focusing on renowned locations and notable sights of the city. The book likely serves to convey the unique beauty and character of London during nighttime. The content primarily consists of a series of detailed sketches depicting various iconic landmarks and scenes in London, such as Piccadilly Circus, the Marble Arch, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, among others. Each illustration is accompanied by visual elements that highlight the interplay of light and shadow, bringing life to the nighttime ambiance of the city. The sketches not only showcase the architectural beauty of these locations but also evoke a sense of exploration and wonder, inviting the viewer to experience the charm of London after sunset. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
London at Night: A sketch-book
By Frederick Carter
"London at Night: A sketch-book" by Frederick Carter is a collection of illustrations and drawings created in the early 20th century. This artistic pu...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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