"The Regent" by Arnold Bennett is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Edward Henry Machin, a somewhat successful yet increasingly disillusioned man in midlife, who struggles with the trappings of domesticity and wealth while seeking meaning and excitement in his life. The opening of the book introduces Edward Henry as he contemplates the bittersweet nature of his recent financial success—gaining money through a stock market speculation—while experiencing a profound sense of ennui. As he arrives home, he finds himself irritated with the domestic chaos and a distinct absence of connection with his wife, Nellie. The interaction with his family is rife with tension, especially surrounding their child’s minor injury inflicted by the family dog, and Edward's desire for acknowledgment and excitement seems to clash with the realities of everyday life. This blend of personal introspection and familial obligation sets the stage for Edward’s further adventures, including a night out at the theatre, hinting at his longing for change and a deeper life experience. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Regent
By Arnold Bennett
"The Regent" by Arnold Bennett is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Edward Henry Machin, a somewhat successf...
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About the Author
Enoch Arnold Bennett was an English author, best known as a novelist, who wrote prolifically. Between the 1890s and the 1930s he completed 34 novels, seven volumes of short stories, 13 plays, and a daily journal totalling more than a million words. He wrote articles and stories for more than 100 newspapers and periodicals, worked in and briefly ran the Ministry of Information during the First World War, and wrote for the cinema in the 1920s. Sales of his books were substantial, and he was the most financially successful British author of his day.
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