"Welsh Fairy Tales" by William Elliot Griffis is a collection of folklore and fairy tales written in the early 20th century. This anthology draws from the rich tradition of Welsh storytelling, featuring a variety of enchanting tales that explore themes of love, bravery, and the magical elements typical of fairy lore. The stories involve various characters such as Saint David, brave maidens, fearsome monsters, and clever wizards, offering readers insight into Welsh culture and mythology. At the start of "Welsh Fairy Tales," the author presents a preface that reflects on his Welsh heritage and the cultural significance of storytelling. He then launches into the first tale, "Welsh Rabbit and Hunted Hares," where the reader is introduced to the compassionate figure of Saint David, who teaches the people of Wales about food and manners. The story unfolds with a hunting prince who encounters a maiden named Monacella, who protects a wild hare through her prayers, ultimately gaining the prince's admiration and a sacred sanctuary in his land. This opening sets the tone for a charming and whimsical exploration of Welsh fairy tales filled with magic, moral lessons, and the intertwining of everyday life with the supernatural. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Welsh Fairy Tales
By William Elliot Griffis
"Welsh Fairy Tales" by William Elliot Griffis is a collection of folklore and fairy tales written in the early 20th century. This anthology draws from...
Folklore Children's Myths, Fairy Tales, etc. Children & Young Adult Reading Culture/Civilization/Society Literature
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About the Author
William Elliot Griffis was an American orientalist, Congregational minister, lecturer, and prolific author.
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