“To Have and to Hold” by Mary Johnston is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in early 17th-century Virginia, delving into the lives of early settlers, their struggles, and their relationships with one another and the Indigenous people. The narrative is centered around Ralph Percy, a soldier who is caught between the remnants of his violent past and the arduous frontier lifestyle as he navigates new bonds formed through unexpected marriage and loyalty. The beginning of the novel introduces Ralph Percy as he reflects on his solitary life in the wilderness of Virginia after his day's work. He is visited by his friend, John Rolfe, who brings news of a ship arriving with maidens for settling in the colony. A sense of foreboding lingers as Ralph contemplates the uneasy peace with the Indigenous people. When the plot thickens, Ralph ends up marrying Jocelyn Leigh—a woman of noble bearing disguising her true identity as a servant—almost impulsively after saving her from an unwanted encounter. Their relationship starts with misunderstanding, pride, and a deep undercurrent of emotional struggle, hinting at the complexity of their future together as they face the tumultuous and often dangerous backdrop of colonial America. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
To Have and to Hold
By Mary Johnston
“To Have and to Hold” by Mary Johnston is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in early 17th-century Virgini...
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About the Author
Mary Johnston was an American novelist and women's rights advocate from Virginia. She was one of America's best selling authors during her writing career and had three silent films adapted from her novels. Johnston was also an active member of the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia, using her writing skills and notability to draw attention to the cause of women's suffrage in Virginia.
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