"Minnie's Pet Lamb" by Madeline Leslie is a children's story published in the mid-19th century. This charming tale focuses on the tender relationship between a young girl named Minnie and her pet lamb, Nannie, set against a backdrop of rural life. The book emphasizes themes of affection, companionship, and the nurturing bond between humans and animals. The story begins with Minnie's delight upon receiving the lamb from Mr. Lee, and it highlights the deep emotional connection that forms between Minnie and her pet, as well as the friendships that blossom among various animals on the farm, including a pony named Star and a cat. Through Minnie's interactions with Nannie and her family, readers learn about the responsibilities of caring for an animal and the natural affection that exists between them. The narrative is enriched with educational insights into sheep and their behavior, as Minnie’s curiosity prompts her parents and the shepherd, Mr. Sullivan, to share fascinating stories and facts. The book ultimately conveys a heartwarming message about love, empathy, and the joys of rural life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Minnie's Pet Lamb
By Madeline Leslie
"Minnie's Pet Lamb" by Madeline Leslie is a children's story published in the mid-19th century. This charming tale focuses on the tender relationship ...
Harriette Newell Woods Baker was an American author of books for children, and editor. Her career as an author began when she was about 30 years old. She devoted herself successfully to novels; but after about 15 years, she wrote popular religious literature. Her most famous book, Tim, the Scissors Grinder, sold half a million copies, and was translated into several languages. Baker published about 200 moral and religious tales under the pen name "Mrs. Madeline Leslie". She also wrote under her own name or initials, and under that of "Aunt Hattie". She wrote chiefly for the young, and was still writing in 1893 when she died.