"Sunlight Patch" by Credo Fitch Harris is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows the journey of a young mountaineer named Dale Dawson as he emerges from the wilderness of Kentucky into a broader world filled with new opportunities and challenges. Central to the story is the contrast between the rugged life Dale knows and the more refined society he encounters, making it a tale of growth, discovery, and the quest for knowledge. The beginning of "Sunlight Patch" introduces Dale as he rides down from the mountains on his old mare, captivated by the beauty of the valley he dreams of entering—a place symbolizing hope and new beginnings. Shortly thereafter, he is drawn into an altercation at a schoolhouse where a young teacher, Jane, confronts a bully named Tusk Potter. Dale, witnessing the danger Jane faces, intervenes to protect her, setting off a series of events that intertwines their lives and exposes themes of courage, chivalry, and the stark realities of life in rural Kentucky. As the story unfolds, Dale's commitment to learning and developing his character is highlighted, as he grapples with his aspirations and the impact of civilization on his way of life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sunlight Patch
By Credo Fitch Harris
"Sunlight Patch" by Credo Fitch Harris is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows the journey of a young mountaineer named Da...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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