"The Alien" by Raymond F. Jones is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. This gripping narrative explores themes of discovery and the profound implications of encountering an ancient alien civilization, as scientists find remnants of a race that existed half a million years ago, possessing knowledge potentially beyond their own. The main character, Dr. Delmar Underwood, grapples with personal and philosophical dilemmas as he navigates his relationships with fellow scientists and the challenges posed by the artifact that holds the key to resurrecting a member of that extinct civilization. At the start of the novel, the Smithson Asteroidal Expedition is diligently working in asteroid fields when Dr. Underwood connects with Dr. Illia Morov, illustrating their contrasting attitudes toward Earth’s disintegrating social structure. Underwood expresses his desire for escape, while Illia stresses the importance of contributing to society. Tension arises as they discover an artifact—an enigmatic object that defies description and analytical procedures—hinting at the advanced civilization of the Stroids. As scientists attempt to uncover the truths of this artifact and the extraterrestrial knowledge it may contain, they must consider the broader implications of their work and the threat of an ancient, possibly vengeful entity that may awaken. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Alien
By Raymond F. Jones
"The Alien" by Raymond F. Jones is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. This gripping narrative explores themes of discovery and the pr...
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About the Author
Raymond Fisher Jones was an American science fiction author. He is best known for his 1952 novel This Island Earth, which was adapted into the eponymous 1955 film.
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