"An Enemy to the King" by Robert Neilson Stephens is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Ernanton de Launay, Sieur de la Tournoire, a young Huguenot gentleman who embarks on a journey to Paris filled with ambition and dreams of adventure, excitement, and romance amid the political intrigues of the late 16th century. The narrative is deeply rooted in the historical context of civil strife in France, particularly the tumultuous rivalry between Huguenots and Catholics, with significant figures like the Duke of Guise and King Henri III playing prominent roles. At the start of the book, we meet Ernanton as he sets out from his childhood home in Anjou to explore the bustling and vibrant life of Paris. In his quest for exploration, he encounters a mysterious gentleman and has a tense confrontation with Bussy d’Amboise, a renowned swordsman, showcasing his youthful bravado. Throughout these early chapters, Ernanton's motivations are not solely political; he is also driven by the desire for love and adventure. His romantic aspirations lead him to cross paths with various notable characters, including the enigmatic Mlle. d'Arency, who remains central to his growing obsession. As he navigates through challenges, duels, and encounters, readers can sense a brewing conflict that will shape both his destiny and the historical tensions of the era. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
An Enemy to the King From the Recently Discovered Memoirs of the Sieur de la Tournoire
By Robert Neilson Stephens
Sequel: The Bright Face of Danger, #30417.
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About the Author
Robert Neilson Stephens was an American novelist and playwright. An Enemy to the King, both a play and a novel, was one of his best known works. An Enemy to the King was also adapted for the cinema under the same title, An Enemy to the King, in 1916.
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