"Left on the Labrador: A Tale of Adventure Down North" by Dillon Wallace is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Charley Norton, a thirteen-year-old boy who finds himself stranded on the wild Labrador coast after being inadvertently left behind by a mail boat. Forced to navigate the harsh and unfamiliar terrain, Charley befriends local inhabitants like Skipper Zeb Twig and his family, who take him in and help him adjust to life in the wilderness. At the start of the narrative, Charley is depicted as bored and discontented during the arduous mail boat journey along the Labrador coast. His chance encounter with Toby Twig, a young local boy, leads to an impulsive decision to go ashore, only to discover that the mail boat has departed without him. The opening sets a vivid scene of Charley's sudden predicament and fear of the desolate Arctic wilderness as he grapples with being alone in a strange land. As he meets the Twig family, the narrative introduces themes of companionship, survival, and the spirit of adventure that Charley ultimately experiences during his unexpected journey in the wilderness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Left on the Labrador: A Tale of Adventure Down North
By Dillon Wallace
"Left on the Labrador: A Tale of Adventure Down North" by Dillon Wallace is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Charl...
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About the Author
Dillon Wallace was an American lawyer, outdoorsman, author of non-fiction, fiction and magazine articles. His first book, The Lure of the Labrador Wild (1905) was a best-seller, as were many of his later books.
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