"Patience Wins: War in the Works" by George Manville Fenn is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows a young boy named Jacob, his father, and his three uncles as they navigate the challenging world of industrial expansion. After purchasing a steel working business in Arrowfield, they face resistance from a hostile workforce, igniting conflicts that test their resolve and ingenuity. The title reflects the central theme of overcoming adversity through perseverance and patience. At the start of the narrative, Jacob, a sixteen-year-old boy, is introduced as the protagonist who enjoys a close and playful relationship with his uncles. The family decides to move from London to Arrowfield to revitalize their new steel works. However, they quickly encounter challenges with the local workforce, who resent the newcomers and their modern ideas. The tension escalates as Jacob and his uncles are forced to confront the aggressive attitudes of the workers, creating an atmosphere ripe for conflict. Fenn sets the stage for a story of resilience in the face of adversity, hinting at both personal and industrial battles to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Patience Wins: War in the Works
By George Manville Fenn
"Patience Wins: War in the Works" by George Manville Fenn is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows a young boy named Jacob, his ...
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About the Author
George Manville Fenn was a prolific English novelist, journalist, editor and educationalist. Many of his novels were written with young adults in mind. His final book was his biography of a fellow writer for juveniles, George Alfred Henty.
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