“This Way to Christmas” by Ruth Sawyer is a charming children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around an eight-year-old boy named David, who is adjusting to a new life in the Hill Country with his caretaker Johanna after the abrupt departure of his scientist father due to the war. David's journey explores themes of loneliness, the essence of Christmas, and the magic of belief as he interacts with various characters, including fairies, a flagman, and locals who will help him rediscover the meaning of the holiday season. At the start of the novel, David grapples with feelings of loss and isolation as he moves away from everything familiar. He travels with Johanna to a mountain lodge, where he faces a Christmas that feels devoid of cheer. As he waits for the holiday to approach, David begins to conjure thoughts of magic and fairies, leading him to wonder how to celebrate Christmas without the traditional decorations and festivities he's accustomed to. In his thoughts, he recalls Johanna's tales of a "locked-out fairy," whom he hopes to find to help guide him back to the joy of the season. The opening sets the stage for David’s inner transformation as he seeks connection and joy in his new, albeit challenging, circumstances. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
This Way to Christmas
By Ruth Sawyer
“This Way to Christmas” by Ruth Sawyer is a charming children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around an eight-year-old bo...
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About the Author
Ruth Sawyer was an American storyteller and a writer of fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. She is best known as the author of Roller Skates, which won the 1937 Newbery Medal. She received the Children's Literature Legacy Award in 1965 for her lifetime achievement in children's literature.
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