"Abducted to Oz" by Robert J. Evans and Chris Dulabone is a fantasy novel inspired by the original Oz stories written in the early 21st century. The book follows a young boy named Graham who finds himself unexpectedly transported to the magical land of Oz, where he encounters various characters, including an evil witch. As he navigates this strange new world, Graham's creativity and quick thinking become crucial for his survival and potential escape. The opening of the novel introduces Graham, a twelve-year-old boy struggling to concentrate on his homework while home alone. His mundane world is suddenly disrupted when he hears an eerie screeching noise that leads to a terrifying encounter with an evil witch who drags him through a mirror into her castle in Oz. The chapter sets up a whimsical yet perilous adventure as Graham tries to outsmart the witch by spinning a tale of a magical book filled with spells. This leads to a series of misadventures involving magical beings, friendships, and the quest to return home, establishing a captivating premise that invites readers into a richly imagined world filled with charm and peril. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Abducted to Oz
By Robert J. Evans
"Abducted to Oz" by Robert J. Evans and Chris Dulabone is a fantasy novel inspired by the original Oz stories written in the early 21st century. The b...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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