"Out of the Woods" by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding is a novel that reflects themes of ambition and familial conflicts, likely written during the early 20th century. The narrative centers around Ethel, a young woman with dreams of becoming a professional singer, who grapples with the expectations of her family and society. The story incorporates elements reminiscent of the classic "Little Red Riding Hood," but it explores Ethel's journey in a modern context filled with personal struggles and emerging independence. The plot follows Ethel Taylor, who is burdened by her family's divided loyalties and her desire to pursue a career in music against the wishes of her domineering Aunt Amy. As she battles societal expectations and personal dilemmas, Ethel becomes entangled in a relationship with Ladislaw Metz, a young man with his own artistic aspirations. Their relationship becomes increasingly complicated when Ladislaw proposes marriage, which Ethel is hesitant about due to her unclear feelings for him and the pressure of her career goals. The narrative reaches a climactic moment when Ethel's grandmother intervenes, rejecting Ladislaw and supporting Ethel's dream to pursue singing, ultimately emphasizing the importance of self-identity and the bonds of familial love. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Out of the Woods
By Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
"Out of the Woods" by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding is a novel that reflects themes of ambition and familial conflicts, likely written during the early 20t...
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About the Author
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding (1889–1955) was an American novelist and short story writer. She primarily authored fiction in the hardboiled subgenre of detective novels.
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