"A Bullet for Cinderella" by John D. MacDonald is a suspenseful novel written in the mid-20th century. The story intricately unfolds through the experiences of Tal Howard, a man recently returned from a brutal prison camp in Korea, who is compelled to seek out the hidden fortune of his deceased comrade Timmy Warden. As Tal navigates the small town of Hillston, he grapples with not only the search for the money but also his own sense of purpose and connection to the past. The opening portion introduces readers to Tal's troubled psyche as he recounts his painful return to civilian life from the war, reflecting on memories of Timmy and the buried cash that Timmy had hidden. Tal’s journey to Hillston is filled with encounters that unveil the tangled lives of Timmy’s family and associates, revealing a mysterious figure named Fitzmartin, who complicates his search for the money. The narrative beautifully intertwines themes of loss, redemption, and the impact of war while establishing a tense atmosphere where secrets lurk in every corner of the seemingly quiet town. This gripping start prepares the reader for a deep exploration of human complexity, betrayal, and the consequences of past actions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Bullet for Cinderella
By John D. (John Dann) MacDonald
"A Bullet for Cinderella" by John D. MacDonald is a suspenseful novel written in the mid-20th century. The story intricately unfolds through the exper...
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About the Author
John Dann MacDonald was an American writer of novels and short stories. He is known for his thrillers.
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