"All Taut; or, Rigging the Boat" by Oliver Optic is a children's adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story is a part of "The Boat-Builder Series" and primarily revolves around the characters from the Beech Hill Industrial School, particularly focusing on Tom Topover and his companions as they explore boating and face various challenges. This volume introduces a mix of naval discipline and reformative endeavors as the school’s principal, Captain Gildrock, tries to influence a group of unruly boys. At the start of the book, we see Tom Topover struggling to lead his group of friends as they rig a makeshift boat and plan to navigate a local creek. The dynamics of leadership and the clash between Tom and Ash Burton generate conflict, highlighting Tom's desire for authority despite his lack of nautical knowledge. Their first voyage takes a chaotic turn as the amateur crew faces unforeseen difficulties, showcasing their inexperience and the lessons they must learn in both sailing and collaboration. The opening sets the stage for adventures, friendships, and the moral dilemmas of youth as the boys encounter various situations that test their characters and abilities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
All Taut; or, Rigging the boat
By Oliver Optic
"All Taut; or, Rigging the Boat" by Oliver Optic is a children's adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story is a part of "The Boat-Bu...
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About the Author
William Taylor Adams, pseudonym Oliver Optic, was an academic, author, and a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
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