"The Circular Staircase" by Mary Roberts Rinehart is a mystery novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around the character Rachel Innes, a middle-aged spinster who retreats from her city life to a country house named Sunnyside. As she settles in for a summer in her new home, Rachel soon finds herself embroiled in eerie occurrences and a shocking crime, sending her on a quest for answers. The opening of the novel presents Rachel's decision to rent Sunnyside and her immediate discomfort with the house's isolation and strange happenings. After a peaceful first night, a series of unsettling incidents unfolds, including mysterious noises and a figure peering in through the windows. Rachel communicates her growing anxiety as the house staff dwindles, leading to an unsettling independence that exacerbates the mystery. As Rachel navigates her discomfort in an unfamiliar setting and grapples with the strange occurrences, she unwittingly sets the stage for the deeper, more alarming mysteries that await her as events progress. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Circular Staircase
By Mary Roberts Rinehart
"The Circular Staircase" by Mary Roberts Rinehart is a mystery novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around the chara...
Mary Roberts Rinehart was an American writer, often called the American Agatha Christie. Rinehart published her first mystery novel The Circular Staircase in 1908, which introduced the "had I but known" narrative style. Rinehart is also considered the earliest known source of the phrase "the butler did it", in her novel The Door (1930), although the exact phrase does not appear in her work and the plot device had been used prior to that time. She also worked to tell the stories and experiences of front line soldiers during World War I, one of the first women to travel to the Belgian front lines.