"Smiles: A Rose of the Cumberlands" by Eliot H. Robinson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Donald MacDonald, an accomplished children's physician, who finds himself in the wilds of the Cumberlands during a vacation. Here, he encounters a young girl named Rose, affectionately called "Smiles," who possesses a sweet, infectious smile and a thoughtful nature, as she navigates her rural world filled with simple joys and profound innocence. The opening portion of the novel introduces Donald MacDonald, who feels a mix of humiliation and determination after getting lost in the woods. After some misadventures, he stumbles upon a cabin where he meets Rose, who is tending to her injured foot. Their first interaction is a blend of light-heartedness and the budding of a more profound connection. Rose, a picturesque representation of rural innocence, radiates warmth and kindness despite her challenging upbringing. The interaction sets the stage for a larger narrative that explores themes of love, duty, and the dichotomy between city life and the natural world, with the promise of deeper character development and adventure to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
'Smiles': A Rose of the Cumberlands
By Eliot H. (Eliot Harlow) Robinson
"Smiles: A Rose of the Cumberlands" by Eliot H. Robinson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Donald MacDonald, an accompli...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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