"The Water-Finders" by Judith Vandeleur is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the small village of Willowton, which is facing a water shortage leading to a health crisis. The narrative introduces a diverse cast of characters, including George Lummis, the seemingly idle young man, and the determined vicar, Mr. Rutland, who is determined to find a solution to the village's predicament. The opening of the book sets a vivid scene in Willowton as the community grapples with the dire effects of an ongoing drought that threatens their health and livelihoods. The chapter introduces key players like George Lummis and the vicar, establishing the social dynamics and tensions within the village. George, often seen loafing with his less ambitious friends, contemplates his potential amidst the growing crisis. Meanwhile, the vicar takes it upon himself to address the health threats posed by the dirty water supply, highlighting the societal responsibilities resting on both individual and communal levels. The story hints at themes of social class, responsibility, and the human spirit's resilience in times of adversity, promising a compelling exploration of personal and communal challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Water-Finders
By Judith Vandeleur
The University of Cambridge library identifies the author as Judith Vandeleur.
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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