"Verner's Pride" by Mrs. Henry Wood is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Verner family, primarily focusing on themes of inheritance, family dynamics, and societal expectations. Central characters include Mr. Verner, the ailing patriarch, his nephew Lionel, and the maid Rachel Frost, whose tragic fate sets the stage for the unfolding drama. The opening of "Verner's Pride" paints a vivid picture of the estate of Verner's Pride, beautifully described under the afternoon sun, and introduces key familial relationships. It reveals the legacy concerns of Mr. Verner, who has bequeathed the estate to his younger son Stephen, while his elder son Lionel's life in India complicates matters. The narrative then shifts to the dynamics involving Rachel Frost, a maid connected to the family, and her interactions with various characters, including the bailiff's son Luke Roy. As tensions arise over household matters, Rachel's distress becomes evident, leading to her tragic drowning in a local pond, thus thrusting the characters into a web of mystery and sorrow that will undoubtedly impact their lives profoundly. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Verner's Pride
By Henry Wood
"Verner's Pride" by Mrs. Henry Wood is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Verner family, primarily fo...
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About the Author
Ellen Price was an English novelist better known as Mrs. Henry Wood. She is best remembered for her 1861 novel East Lynne. Many of her books sold well internationally and were widely read in the United States. In her time, she surpassed Charles Dickens in fame in Australia.
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