"The Billiard Room Mystery" by Brian Flynn is a detective novel written in the late 1920s. The story revolves around the puzzling murder of Gerry Prescott, who is found dead in the billiard room at Considine Manor. The narrative follows the astute Anthony Bathurst as he untangles the web of clues and relationships that surround the enigmatic case, involving various characters including Sir Charles Considine and Lady Considine. At the start of the story, the narrator reflects on the events leading to the murder after encountering Bathurst, who he hasn't seen for eight years. As guests gather for cricket week, a private theatrical performance reveals Bathurst’s exceptional deductive skills. However, a violent turn of events occurs when Prescott is discovered dead, a dagger embedded in his neck. The narrative unfolds with a tense investigation led by Inspector Baddeley, as Bathurst highlights key observations that link Prescott’s murder to potential motives among the guests, entwining personal rivalries, financial losses, and hidden relationships—all of which set the stage for a gripping mystery. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Billiard Room Mystery
By Brian Flynn
"The Billiard Room Mystery" by Brian Flynn is a detective novel written in the late 1920s. The story revolves around the puzzling murder of Gerry Pres...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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