"The Blue Birds at Happy Hills" by Lillian Elizabeth Roy is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of children known as the Blue Birds and Bobolinks as they embark on an adventure to a summer camp at Happy Hills, where they engage in fun activities while learning valuable life lessons. Key characters include the resourceful twins Don and Dot Starr, as well as their friends Lavinia, Ruth, and Ned, who navigate the challenges and excitement of their journey. The opening of the novel sets the stage for the children's eagerly anticipated trip to New York City before arriving at Happy Hills. As they rush to catch their train, we meet the vibrant cast of characters, including the mischievous Don, who gets himself and his sister Dot into trouble over a box of gum. The narrative captures their youthful energy and playful banter, showcasing the camaraderie among the group. As they travel, the excitement builds for what lies ahead at the camp, hinting at the adventures and experiences that will shape them during their summer at Happy Hills. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Blue Birds at Happy Hills
By Lillian Elizabeth Roy
"The Blue Birds at Happy Hills" by Lillian Elizabeth Roy is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of childre...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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