"Little Paulina: Christmas in Russia" by Mary Cowden Clarke is a Christmas-themed children’s story adapted by Anna Robinson, published in the early 20th century. The book offers a charming narrative set amidst the harsh winter backdrop of Russia, revolving around themes of bravery, kindness, and familial bonds. This heartwarming tale emphasizes the importance of love and dedication, particularly through the character of little Paulina, who embarks on a journey to reunite with her exiled father. The story follows young Paulina as she navigates a snow-laden forest, where she encounters a stranger lost in the cold. As she decides to help him, readers discover that he is, in fact, the Emperor of Russia, disguised due to a mishap on his travels. While the emperor initially struggles with his identity, Paulina's unwavering spirit and dedication to her father shine through as she advocates for her father's innocence and seeks justice. Throughout their adventure, an unlikely friendship forms between Paulina and the emperor, culminating in a poignant reunion with her father and highlighting the impact of their mutual kindness. Ultimately, the narrative beautifully encapsulates the spirit of Christmas through themes of redemption, loyalty, and the triumph of goodness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Paulina: Christmas in Russia
By Mary Cowden Clarke
"Little Paulina: Christmas in Russia" by Mary Cowden Clarke is a Christmas-themed children’s story adapted by Anna Robinson, published in the early 20...
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About the Author
Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke was an English author, and compiler of a concordance to Shakespeare.
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