"Then I'll Come Back to You" by Larry Evans is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a rural setting, where we are introduced to the main character, Stephen O'Mara, a boy who has emerged from the depths of the wilderness to explore the town of Morrison for the first time, driven by a yearning for adventure and discovery. The novel seems to explore themes of growth, self-discovery, and the contrast between different social classes as characters navigate their relationships with one another. At the start of the story, we meet Caleb Hunter, who observes the arrival of Stephen, a scruffy boy dressed in outdated and oversized clothing, carrying an enormous steel trap on his shoulder. Intrigued and struck by the boy's naivety and intense curiosity, Caleb engages in a conversation with Stephen, who reveals he has never seen a town before. As Caleb learns more about Stephen's background—his upbringing with a man named Old Tom—the narrative begins to paint a picture of a bright, resilient boy with dreams of education and a better life. The interaction allows for reflections on the past, personal aspirations, and social expectations, setting the stage for the unfolding story of Stephen's journey and the impact he will have on those around him. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Then I'll Come Back to You
By Larry Evans
"Then I'll Come Back to You" by Larry Evans is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a rural setting, where we are introduce...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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