"Pomo Bear Doctors" by S. A. Barrett is an ethnographic work published in the early 20th century, specifically in 1917. The book explores the beliefs and rituals associated with "bear doctors," a unique class of shamans among the Pomo people of California. It delves into the mythological origins of these practitioners, detailing how they are believed to acquire magical powers through ceremonial outfits made from bear skins, which allow them to act with supernatural abilities during their hunts. In the text, Barrett provides an in-depth examination of the rituals, powers, and practices of bear doctors, including the elaborate ceremonies surrounding the construction and wearing of their bear suits. The narrative follows the myth of bear doctors' origins, describing how an ingenious bird became empowered with a grizzly bear's attributes and instigated the practice. Additionally, the book discusses the structure of bear doctor societies, including their strict rules, intercommunication methods, and the sophisticated relationships they maintain within their community and with supernatural beings. Throughout the work, Barrett emphasizes the psychological and cultural significance of these beliefs, offering insight into the Pomo worldview and its reflections on magic, power, and society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pomo Bear Doctors
By S. A. (Samuel Alfred) Barrett
"Pomo Bear Doctors" by S. A. Barrett is an ethnographic work published in the early 20th century, specifically in 1917. The book explores the beliefs ...
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