"The Beast of Space" by F. E. Hardart is a science fiction novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around the perilous adventures of a prospector, Nat Starrett, as he navigates dangers in space, particularly on Asteroid Moira, where he encounters mysterious entities and a monstrous creature that lures humans for sinister purposes. The story follows Nat as he embarks on a rescue mission after receiving a telecast plea for help from a girl, only to discover that she has been imprisoned by a highly intelligent, monstrous asteroid lifeform that relies on seduction through music and light to ensnare its victims. Throughout the gripping tale, Nat teams up with Digger, a telepathic spacehound, as they confront sinister globes that serve as sensory organs of the creature, which is revealed to be a colossal being feeding on human flesh. Ultimately, Nat’s ingenuity allows him to escape and find a way to destroy the monster by utilizing the very resources it illegally gathers—zirconia—while ensuring the survival of the captured girl. The narrative concludes with their escape and hints at future adventures, blending thrilling action with themes of survival and camaraderie. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Beast of Space
By F. E. Hardart
"The Beast of Space" by F. E. Hardart is a science fiction novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around the perilous adv...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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