"The Crisis — Complete" by Winston Churchill is a historical novel likely penned in the late 19th century. The narrative introduces the character of Eliphalet Hopper, a young man from Massachusetts who arrives in St. Louis, navigating the complexities of life during a tumultuous period in American history, particularly concerning slavery and social dynamics. The story seems to explore themes of ambition, identity, and moral conflict as Hopper interacts with the local inhabitants and contemplates his place in society. At the start of the narrative, the reader meets Eliphalet Hopper as he arrives in St. Louis, filled with ambition but also grappling with the harsh realities of a new and unfamiliar environment. The text vividly describes his initial observations and encounters, particularly his reaction to witnessing a slave auction that profoundly affects his moral outlook. In this early portion, we also meet other key characters, including Captain Brent and Colonel Carvel, who embody different perspectives on slavery and social status in the South. The dynamic among these characters sets the stage for the unfolding drama as Eliphalet's ambitions and ideals are tested in a society on the brink of conflict. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Crisis — Complete
By Winston Churchill
"The Crisis — Complete" by Winston Churchill is a historical novel likely penned in the late 19th century. The narrative introduces the character of E...
Winston Churchill was an American best-selling novelist of the early 20th century.
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