"The Vintage: A Romance of the Greek War of Independence" by E. F. Benson is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the Greek War of Independence, focusing primarily on the life of Mitsos, a young Greek boy who dreams of vengeance against the oppressors of his people. The story delves into themes of rebellion, personal growth, and the struggle for freedom, showcasing the deeply entrenched injustices faced by the Greek populace under Turkish rule. At the start of the novel, the atmosphere is palpably tense, establishing both the harsh realities of daily life in the occupied town of Nauplia and the personal stakes for its inhabitants. We are introduced to Mitsos, who is depicted as a spirited teenager embracing the challenges of work on the family vineyard while yearning for adventure. Meanwhile, the narrative hints at a larger, brewing conflict as Mitsos' father discusses the troubles brought by Turkish taxes and the arrival of his uncle, Nicholas, who is involved in the underground resistance. This opening portion artfully sets the stage for a tale of personal and national struggle, suggesting that Mitsos' character will evolve amidst the growing call for rebellion against their oppressors. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Vintage: A Romance of the Greek War of Independence
By E. F. (Edward Frederic) Benson
"The Vintage: A Romance of the Greek War of Independence" by E. F. Benson is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative unfold...
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About the Author
Edward Frederic Benson was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, historian and short story writer.
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