"So Many Worlds Away..." by Dwight V. Swain is a science fiction story likely written in the early 1950s. The narrative explores themes of parallel dimensions and the complexities of human relationships as the protagonist, Horning, embarks on an extraordinary journey to escape his troubled marriage through alternate realities." The story revolves around Doctor Raymond Horning, who, feeling trapped in an unbearable marriage to Myrtle, decides to breach the space-time continuum in search of peace in another dimension. Upon crossing to another world, he encounters his own doppelgänger, who offers him a chance to swap lives and rid himself of Myrtle once and for all. However, as the plot unfolds, Horning learns the darker implications of such a switch, ultimately culminating in a confrontation with his counterpart that reveals unexpected layers of his character and the reality of his choices. The story delves into themes of identity, the search for happiness, and the consequences of escaping one's problems, ending with Horning facing the aftermath of his actions and contemplating the nature of love and freedom. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
So Many Worlds Away...
By Dwight V. Swain
"So Many Worlds Away..." by Dwight V. Swain is a science fiction story likely written in the early 1950s. The narrative explores themes of parallel di...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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