"Mary-'Gusta" by Joseph Crosby Lincoln is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. It centers on the life of young Mary-'Gusta, a seven-year-old girl facing uncertain times after the recent death of her stepfather, Marcellus Hall, and the speculations surrounding her future. The opening chapters delve into the reactions of the townsfolk as they wonder who will take care of the "queer" child, whose unique demeanor sets her apart from others. At the start of the novel, the narrative follows the events of Marcellus Hall's funeral and the ensuing questions about Mary-'Gusta's future. Various characters, including local reporters and the Baxter family, express their concern for her, highlighting both their ignorance and fascination with her idiosyncrasies. Mary-'Gusta, hiding in her favorite play area, contemplates her loss and the looming unknown about her guardianship. As the story unfolds, the focus shifts from the perspectives of the adults discussing her fate to her own experiences and feelings, reflecting the complexities of childhood emotions during a significant life change. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Joseph Crosby Lincoln
"Mary-'Gusta" by Joseph Crosby Lincoln is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. It centers on the life of young Mary-'Gusta, a seven-year-...
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About the Author
Joseph Crosby Lincoln was an American author of novels, poems, and short stories, many set in a fictionalized Cape Cod.
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