"The Magician" by W. Somerset Maugham is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story explores themes surrounding the interplay of love, ambition, and the occult, centering around characters like Arthur Burdon, a skilled surgeon, and Oliver Haddo, a self-proclaimed magician who wields sinister powers. The opening of "The Magician" introduces Arthur Burdon, who arrives in Paris, partially motivated by his love for Margaret Dauncey and his desire to learn from the French medical scene. He meets with Dr. Porhoët, an old friend who adds a layer of depth to the story with his knowledge of the mystical and the occult. As Arthur and Dr. Porhoët stroll through the Luxembourg Gardens, they discuss Haddo, suggesting a forthcoming encounter with the enigmatic character, who later enters their circle, bringing intrigue and a sense of foreboding. The initial tone is set for a conflict between the rational world of medicine that Burdon represents and the mystical, dark allure of Haddo's claims to magical powers, foreshadowing a deeper exploration of these contrasting elements throughout the narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Magician
By W. Somerset (William Somerset) Maugham
"The Magician" by W. Somerset Maugham is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story explores themes surrounding the interplay of love, a...
William Somerset Maugham was an English writer, known for his plays, novels and short stories. Born in Paris, where he spent his first ten years, Maugham was schooled in England and went to a German university. He became a medical student in London and qualified as a physician in 1897. He never practised medicine, and became a full-time writer. His first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897), a study of life in the slums, attracted attention, but it was as a playwright that he first achieved national celebrity. By 1908 he had four plays running at once in the West End of London. He wrote his 32nd and last play in 1933, after which he abandoned the theatre and concentrated on novels and short stories.