"Five Little Peppers Midway" by Margaret Sidney is a children's novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Pepper family, particularly focusing on the sweet and imaginative Phronsie Pepper as she navigates family dynamics and adventures with her siblings and their kind-hearted grandfather, Mr. King. The narrative is imbued with themes of love, creativity, and the simple joys of childhood. The opening of the book introduces Phronsie as she decides to bake a pie with the help of Jefferson the cook, showcasing her cheerful personality and her desire to please her family, especially her sister Polly. As she engages in her pie-making adventure, we also catch glimpses of the affectionate interactions within the family, their camaraderie, and the solid support of Mr. King. This opening scene sets a playful and heartwarming tone, suggesting that the story will be filled with charming family moments, challenges, and the growth of its young characters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Five Little Peppers Midway
By Margaret Sidney
"Five Little Peppers Midway" by Margaret Sidney is a children's novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Pepper famil...
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About the Author
Harriett Lothrop was an American author also known by her pseudonym Margaret Sidney. In addition to writing popular children's stories, she ran her husband Daniel Lothrop's publishing company after his death. After they bought The Wayside country house, they worked hard to make it a center of literary life.
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