"Direct Methods" by Thomson Burtis is a thrilling adventure story written in the early 20th century, likely during the 1920s. The book unfolds against the backdrop of aviation and Army Air Service operations in a time when air power was becoming increasingly crucial in military strategy. The plot centers around an important mission to capture a notorious criminal mastermind behind a series of high-profile mail robberies, presenting themes of bravery, ingenuity, and the high-stakes nature of law enforcement. The narrative follows Mr. Graves, a government operative, as he coordinates with General O’Malley and two seasoned pilots, Broughton and Hinkley, to execute a complex plan to capture Stanislaus Hayden, the criminal kingpin, alive. Utilizing an elaborate ruse, they crash-land a bomber near Hayden's hideout in the Appalachian Mountains, disguised as Army officers. As the tension builds, the group must navigate both their precarious situation and the dangers posed by Hayden’s armed henchmen. Packed with action, strategy, and quick thinking, "Direct Methods" portrays a tantalizing cat-and-mouse game as the protagonists fight to achieve their goals while preserving their lives in the treacherous woods filled with criminals. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Direct methods
By Thomson Burtis
"Direct Methods" by Thomson Burtis is a thrilling adventure story written in the early 20th century, likely during the 1920s. The book unfolds against...
Henry Thomson Burtis (1896–1971) was an American writer.
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